When our family travels to the theme parks I always have a bag packed with essentials and sometimes random items that we might need. Especially when it comes to some of the bigger parks like Disney World and Universal Studios forgetting something could be costly to buy in the park or even worse you have to leave. With kids along being prepared is a must. Here the basic items I always have in my bag.
Cell phone and charger– My cell phone is one of the most important things I keep on me. I can check reservations and ride wait times. It’s also handy for a quick picture or video if I don’t want to lug out the big one. If you are with a group or plan to split up it’s a must have to keep in touch.I have also used it to entertain the kids while waiting in line. I also really like to keep a pocket charger because my phone battery always get drained faster on park days.
Hand sanitizer and Kleenex-There are lots of people visiting the theme parks on a daily basis, which means lots of germs. I am a little bit of a germ freak so I always have sanitizer on hand just in case we aren’t near a sink.
Sun screen, lip balm and sunglasses– Florida is the sun shine state so you need to make sure you and your family are protected. If you are planning to be in the park all day you will need to reapply your sun screen. Your lips need protection too, many lip balms have SPF in them now and those are the ones we use. My husband and I generally wear our sunglasses and I try to carry sunglasses or a hat for the kids.
Baby wipes and stain remover-Even when we aren’t traveling with a baby or diaper aged kid I still keep wipes in my bag. They are great for cleaning messy faces, hands or even wiping down a table before you eat. They also make antibacterial wipes, I use to those to but just not on faces. If you have diaper to change these are a must as the price in the park for wipes is crazy. I like the tide to go for cleaning clothes in case someone spills their food.
Snacks-When ever I go anywhere with my kids I always make sure I have a snack in my bag. Sometimes it takes a while to get your meal. Either a long line at quick service or waiting for your table at the restaurant. Or maybe you just want to save a little money. If you like gum make sure you bring your own as the Disney Parks do not sell gum.
First Aid items-My kids are clumsy so we keep band aids and triple antibiotic+. I also like to have some pain reliever and allergy medications. The first aid station in the theme parks usually have these items on hand in case you need them but I like having them in my bag as they are sometimes on the other side of the park.
We tend to spend most of our day in the park so being prepared makes our day easier. What item do you make sure to have in your bag? Leave a comment and let me know!