Inside the Disney world parks you will find photo pass photographers scattered throughout. You can spot them wearing a tan vest and a Disney world name tag. One of the fun things they can do are magic shots. They will take the your picture with their camera and edit the effect in later. These are all cartoon or animated.  If you purchased the memory maker package all these photo will be included, otherwise you have the option to purchase them individually at one of the kiosks in the parks or up to 45 days after your vacation. Not all the photographers have the options for these shots and each park has their own special ones. Sometimes all you have to do is ask!

Here are some of the shots that are available, most are only at a particular park and others like the Ballons or Stitch can be found at multiple parks.



Mickey Balloons

Naveen as a frog


Chip-the cup from Beauty and the beast



Olaf under a snow cloud

Hitchhiking ghost 


Baby Simba

Mike Wazowski

Stitch coming out of a box

Stitch coming out of the ground

Tinkerbell wings


Mike Wazowski

baby Simba


Battling Captain Hook or Darth Vader




You can purchase these photos individually for around $15 each or your best deal will be to purchase the memory maker package. You can learn more about the memory maker here.