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The Wizarding World of Harry Potter spans 2 parks at Universal Orlando and the best way to immerse yourself in the magic is with an interactive wand. These are available for purchase at the Ollivander wand shops and several other gift shops throughout the parks, city walk and resorts. Universal does sell both interactive and non-interactive versions so make sure you are grabbing the right one. Currently they are $63 which may seem like a high cost but keep in mind these are reusable anytime you visit the parks and make a great souvenir.

There are original style wands you can pick from or have a wand choose you in the ceremony offered throughout the day or you can purchase a replica of Harry Potter and Fantastic beast characters. Once you’ve got your new wand from Ollivander’s you are now ready to test your magic abilities. Inside the box your wand comes in you will also have a 2-sided map.

Your map has a side for Diagon alley including knock turn alley and a side for Hogsmeade. If you hold the map under one of the dark lights in knock turn alley hidden symbols will appear. The map shows you where you will find the spells and the symbols are the spells you will need to perform at each location.

If you are searching for your next spell spot, keep your eye on the ground for these gold medallions. They will be found in front of each of the spell locations and the name of the spell and movements needed are located here and on your map. The design or movements are indicated by following the arrow. The medallion will also point you in the direction which you need to point your wand. There are 9 spells in Hogsmeade and 16 spells in Diagon Alley (plus a few not on the map)

Some helpful hints we’ve learned along the way is to make small movements, moving your wrist and not your arm. Make sure to aim your wand straight ahead in the direction of the medallion tip. Lastly you do not need to say the spell out loud for it to work but just makes it more fun! Once you’ve used your wand to perform the spell you will know you’ve done it correctly by either a sound or seeing the magic happening right before your eyes.