The Horror make-up show is hidden in plain sight in the Hollywood section of Univeral Studios. The show first debuted back in 1990 and has been a fan favorite ever since. There are multiple performances throughout the day and the show runs about 30 minutes long. While children are permitted in the show there may be some parts that could be scary for them or even adults if you have trouble with the sight of blood.

The lobby of the theater has these great displays with props and facts from some of the great horror films throughout the years. You can see the Mummy in the photo above but will also see Chucky, Jurassic Park, Halloween and more.

This show gives a sneak peek into some movie making secrets and is mostly a comedy show with a dash of horror. They like to grab a volunteer from the audience for a prop demonstration and usually choose the least willing victim from the audience. We try to see the show every vacation, and while the show is always the same the 2 hosts rotate and jokes are adjusted for what is popular at the time. This is such a fun show and a great way to relax out of the heat or rain.