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After swearing off the Food and wine festival on our 2014 vacation (due to a bad experience with over intoxicated park guests in the previous year) we decided to give it another shot since we do enjoy the chance to try all the great food. This year we were on a mission to actually use all of our dining plan snack credits and what better place than sampling as many booths as we could. We decided to start on the right side and work our way around World show case hitting as many of the booths as our stomachs would let us.

Duck confit with creamy polenta

First from the Greenhouse guru booth we tried the duck confit with creamy polenta and fire-roasted salsa. This was my favorite thing we tasted this year. The duck was nice and tender and the polenta was creamy enough to act like a sauce, each bit was very tasty. The girls both enjoyed the duck and the polenta which was surprising to me.

Loaded Greek nachos

Then onto Greece where we share some Greek loaded “nachos”: pita chips, meatless sausage crumbles and vegan tzatziki. These were ok, this did not come with very many chips but it was very flavorful. The kids did not care much for this dish but they did enjoy the pita chips.

Wild mushroom beef filet mignon

Our next stop was the Canadian booth. Here we got the “le Cellier” Wild mushroom beef filet mignon with truffle-butter sauce. Le Cellier used to be one of our favorite dining spots in Epcot but they keep getting rid of all the food we like. So we always get food at this booth, always delicious. Not a huge portion for sharing so you may need to get more than 1. Our oldest didn’t care for this so hubby and the 5 year old at most of it.


Seafood fisherman’s pie

Another booth on our frequent stop list is Ireland for the always yummy seafood fisherman’s pie. The 5 year old loves seafood especially shrimp so this is a home run for her. This dish is small but it packs a punch. Its shrimp and scallops in a nice light sauce topped with mashed potatoes and cheese. This years dish seemed a bit light on the seafood compared to years past but still good.

Chicken and dumplings

From the Farm fresh booth we decided to try the Chicken and dumplings: stewed chicken and mushrooms and spinach. This dish was not like the chicken and dumplings we are used to. What we thought would be a great dish for the kids turned out to be terrible for everyone. The dumplings were too chewy and the sauce was bland. The 5 year old did eat all the mushrooms and then poor hubby finished the rest because he did want to throw it away.

Belgian waffle with warm chocolate ganache and whipped cream

For desert my oldest had her heart set on the Belgian waffle booth. The waffle was made fresh so it came nice and warm which didn’t bode well for the whip cream. The girls loved this as it was covered in sugar from the whipped cream and chocolate ganache. It was a little to sweet for my liking but for under $4 it would make for a good dessert.

We didn’t make it to as many booths as we had originally set out to do since we got full fairly quick. Next time we plan to start on the opposite side of the World showcase. The best part was we used snack credits for all of our dishes so no extra money was spent!