HHN 33 has officially started and this year they are back with 10 new houses.

Insidious: the further
This house features all of the Insidious movies. You enter through the front door of the main house in the original film and are taken through many familiar places including the further with the wondering people. This house was packed with scares and was the longest walk through of all of the houses this year. Many said this was the scariest house of the year, and this is one where you can enjoy the scenes without seeing the films.

Ghostbusters: Frozen empire
Based off the film of the same title this house is just fun and filled with tiny Stay Puft marshmallow men everywhere. They have some “snow” falling in the house but the frozen scenes could have been a little colder. Even though this is one of the more tame houses there are still plenty of scares throughout.

A quiet place
This house is based off the first 2 Quiet place movies. We have seen the 1st and Day one which is the newest of the franchise. This house like the name might imply was the quietest of all the houses and had a bunch of scenes taken right from the films. You could enjoy the house without watching them, but I would recommend at least seeing the first movie to really enjoy the work that went into the sets. There weren’t too many scares in here and would be a good starter house since it’s not to scary.

Triplets of terror
This house takes you back to the Barmy Triplets 9th birthday party where they killed their family, and they like to recreate the murders every 10 years so as you go through the house you are now in the present and the kids are all grown up. I really liked the environmental touches on this house which had both rain and snow in the scenes. As you walk from the past to the present there is hall plastered with news stories and you can hear a podcast talking about the Barmy murders, I was hoping the whole house would carry this podcast theme throughout, but it was only this small section. This was one of our favorite houses for the year because it had good storyline and scares.

Monstruos: the monsters of Latin America
This house features three different legends from Latis America; La Lechuza, a shapeshifting owl woman who we thought looked more like a giant chicken lady. El Silbon who is supposed to be a deadly whistler man who appears several times but I don’t recall ever hearing him whistle. Tlahuelpuchi which is like a witch that eats infants is seen eating babies, be warned that this house does have the idea of dead babies and may be upsetting to some. This was one of our lower ranked houses this year.

The museum: deadly exhibit
This house takes us to the Muesum of international folklore where their newest exhibit, the Rotting stone has released an evil spirit that decays everything. This house feels just like walking through a museum and the sets were really nice to look at but the execution fell flat. They could have really made this a great house but the story was meh. The scares here were mostly just jump scares of the “employees”.

Major Sweets candy factory
A field trip to the candy factory goes wrong when the candy turns the kids into killers. Major Sweets was featured in the Sweet revenge scare zone back in 2022 where the trick or treaters had turned evil after eating his candy. The house has a few good scares from the kids, workers and even Major Sweets himself, but it’s appeal to our group was the 3 different guest activated buttons located in the house so keep and eye out for those.

Goblin’s feast
The premise for the house is that you are visiting a goblin village where a human feast is being prepared. This is a house that doesn’t take itself too serious as you are greeted by upbeat pub music and a happy, dancing goblin. You can’t help but have fun as you make your way through the house. There are still scares throughout but are mild and another good starter house for those just wanting to test their fears.

Slaughter sinema 2
The outside of the house is the Carey Drive-in theater and plays clips from the films that are featured in the house. We really liked the set up for this house. Each room is a different B movie and come with cheesy titles like Mardi Gras murder, Blood and chum and Killer Kringles. This was more of a fun that scary house but there are small scares here and there. This was easily our favorite house this year.

Universal Monster Eternal Bloodlines
This house features 3 of the female Universal Monsters, the bride of Frankenstein, Saskia Van Helsing and Dracula’s daughter fighting in an epic battle. The scenery in here and the visuals were amazing, but we did not get the storyline and the scares weren’t really there.