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Arendelle: a Frozen dining adventure is one of three rotational restaurants on the Disney Wish. As you might guess this is a Frozen themed restaurant with characters from the movies.

Our meal started with an assortment of rolls and a roasted onion dip.

The menu here features Norwegian based cuisine but they also had a few generic options like grilled steak and chicken.

For appetizer we tried the Elsa’s royal baked scallops, this came with 3 large scallops hidden under this puff pastry crust.

Svens favorite carrot soup, it tasted better than it looks in the picture but I prefer the potato soups.

For our main course we got the Arendelle Kjottkake which was like a Swedish meatball and noodle.

Queen Iduna’s potato lefse, this dish is one of the vegetarian options which I choose because I wanted something lighter, and this dish was so good.

The kids menu offers basic American dishes.

Kids corndog, comes with 2 corndogs which is was a big serving size depending on your kids. My daughter took one bite and did not care for the taste.

Kids sirloin steak and shrimp, the piece of steak we got had a lot of fat, so my daughter ended up not eating more than 1 bite but she enjoyed the shrimp.

For dessert we got the chocolate bar and the kvaefordkake which was a butter cake both were really good.